Friday, January 29, 2010


So That guy in the hat is Tex Lonestar and he runs a little thing called Doomsday Wrestling here in Houston.
I don't even know how to describe it except to say that it is some crazy Houston performance art for sure.

Here are his answers to my questions....

How does Performance Art Function for you?

It gives me an outlet to do something besides work a job and pay rent or go to a bar. A creative outlet purely. I do it purely for expression, not to make it into a scene or anything phony like that.

How does living in Houston affect your performance art work?

We seem to get pretty good crowds at every show. Thank you Houston!

Describe a favorite performance art piece that you have done.

I don't know. I'm really critical on them! I am really proud of Doomsday: World War 3 though. It just came together really well and the crowd bought everything we were selling that night. I don't mean merchandise, I mean the ideas we were trying to get across. Our merch needs to sell better!

Name some of your performance art heroes. Who has inspired/influenced your performance art?
Andy Kaufman. PT Barnum. Neil Hamburger. Plus Mad Magazine and a lot of comic books.

Here is their Website.

Check them out on YOUTUBE.

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